You’re invited to join us to hear from our missionary partners with Central India Christian Mission in India. They have so many God stories about how God has been working in their area and how they share God’s love there in Word and deed, even amidst persecution. Lunch will be provided. A donation box will be available to offset the cost of the lunch.
Our Men’s Breakfast is an excellent opportunity for men of all ages to come together, enjoy a delicious breakfast, and connect in fellowship.
We’d love to see everyone’s favorite team, so wear a jersey, polo, t-shirt, dress shirt, scarf, sweatshirt, hoodie, etc., of ANY team to church that Sunday.
Ladies: Join us for food and fellowship as we celebrate friendship and look at how we support one another and point each other to Christ when our feelings don't always match truth. The food will be provided. There is no cost to you. No need to bring anything except some friends!
Join us for an overnight trip to Ozark Christian College for the 2025 Women's Event. The theme for this year's event is Life of Purpose. We will carpool from the church at 2:30 PM on Friday, April 4, to grab dinner on the way and arrive in time for the evening session. We will return to Wichita by 7 PM on Saturday, April 5. The cost is $85, which includes registration, travel, breakfast and lunch on Saturday, and hotel (based on 4-person rooms; can upgrade for additional cost). Please email Hayley Kaufman to reserve your spot.