On earth as it is in heaven
Jesus is at work in the world today. As disciples of Jesus we join him in his work. We are his hands and feet, his listening ear and voice of truth. Through his church, Jesus is bringing all the goodness of his kingdom to all people.
Serve the church community
There are many ways to get involved in the local ministry of the church. We have teams of volunteers, using a variety of gifts, talents, and passions, serving in many areas: kids ministry, student ministry, AV, music, hospitality, grounds, and more.
Whatever your gifts or interests, there are opportunities for you to find your role and belong here.
Serve locally
There are so many incredible local ministries and non-profits serving Wichita and beyond. As a church, we are thrilled to partner with these local ministries. When you give to the church, you also help support these ministries. Here are some of these local partners:
Embrace | Wichita Youth For Christ | Youth Horizons
Serve globally
We are committed to being and making disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:19). We are excited to be partner with amazing women and men around the globe who are joining Jesus in his work in everything from urban, unreached church planting, to medical ministry, outreach on university campuses, to translating God’s Word into languages that have never had a sentence of the Bible before. When you give to the church, you help support these ministries as well. Here are a few amazing ministries that we partner with throughout the USA and around the globe:
AIM AIR. Africa Inland Mission. Chris & Kelly McMichael | Alpha Christian Children's Home, School & Ranch | Campus Christian Fellowship. Keevin & Stephanie McGlumphry. Truman State University (Kirksville, MO) | Caribbean Evangelism. Alice and Janice Graham. Jamaica, West Indies | Central India Christian Mission. Ajai and Indu Lall (Directors) & Harris and Winnie Walter (Evangelist). India | Chidamoyo Christian Hospital. Dr. Major and Patience Mereki. Zimbabwe. | Diamond Willow Ministries. Fort Thompson, SD. | Haitian Christian Ministries. Haiti. | Manhattan Christian College. Manhattan, KS | Mid India Christian Mission. India | Mission to Russia. Sasha Lukmanov. Russia | Mustard Seed Network. Japan | Ninos de Mexico. Mexico | Ozark Christian College. Joplin, MO | Pioneer Bible Translators. Phil Smith | Rapha House | Servants of Christ. Rod & Ann Anderson. Brazil | TCM International. Austria | Team Expansion. Tim & Daphne Stapleton | Train International
We occasionally send small teams from the church to visit, encourage, and serve our partners. Upcoming opportunities will be communicated at our Sunday worship gathering.