Women’s Ministry

We would love to help you get connected with other women in the church community.

In addition to groups and classes, there are many ways for women to connect.

Women’s Bible Studies

Connect with other ladies while growing deeper in your faith and understanding of the Bible. New studies start once or twice a semester and will be posted here.

Monday Evenings | 6:30 PM | A-114
"Wife after God: Drawing Closer to God and Your Husband"
Led by Brenda Kistler

Wednesday Evenings | 6:30 PM | A-114
”Why Do We Need the Bible” by Lisa Harper
Led by Janice McAdam and Amanda Hildreth

Thursday Mornings | 9:30 AM | A-114
"1, 2, & 3 John” by Tony Evans
Led by Ginny Cook and Vickey Brown

Moms Together

2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month during the school year | 9:15-11:15 AM | Youth Center
Join other Wichita-area moms of young children (birth-school age) who meet twice monthly for fellowship, food, and community. Child care is provided for all meetings, including children who are homeschooled. Space is limited, so registration is required. The cost is $35 for the 2024-2025 year.

Upcoming Women’s Events

Providing opportunities for community, encouragement, and discipleship for women of all ages, ultimately pointing them towards the abundant grace and hope we find in Jesus.