Take your first step into community and discipleship at Countryside with Rooted.
Rooted is a ten-week small group experience designed to connect you to God, the church, and your purpose. Together, in a group of 10-15 people from all walks of life, you’ll explore the Bible, engage in prayer and serve experiences, share stories, and practice rhythms essential to a healthy spiritual life. These spiritual rhythms aren’t new or something the church recently created; they can be found in Acts 2, where the early church began. We will provide you with a trained facilitator to come alongside your group to help you get the most out of the experience.
Rooted is available twice a year, in the Fall and the Spring.
Sign-ups are now open for our Spring session of Rooted. The deadline to sign up is January 12. See below for details.
Check out the dates and FAQs below for more info.
Ready to join? Fill out the form to get started!
Upcoming Rooted Dates
Spring Session (January 2025)
Jan 12 Sign Up Deadline
Jan 19 Week 1 - Rooted Kick Off (6-7:30pm)
Jan 26 Week 2 (6-7.30pm)
Feb 2 Week 3 (6-7.30pm)
Feb 9 Break
Feb 16 Week 4 (6-7.30pm)
Feb 23 Week 5 (6-7.30pm)
Mar 2 Week 6 (6-7.30pm)
Mar 9 Week 7 (6-7.30pm)
Mar 16 Break
Mar 23 Week 8 (6-7.30pm)
Mar 30 Week 9 (6-7.30pm)
Apr 6 Week 10 (6-7.30pm)
Apr 13 Celebration (11.30-1pm)
Fall Session (2025)
Dates TBA
Rooted consists of 10 small groups sessions, 2 additional discipleship experiences (dates TBD by your group), and a final celebration lunch. There are 5 daily-devotional readings each week.
The cost is $20/person for the Rooted workbook. Scholarships available. Inquire for details.
Rooted is a life-changing experience. In order for you and the rest of your group to get the most out of the experience we ask that each participate review the schedule and commit to not missing more than two weeks. If you now you will miss more than two weeks, we ask that you wait to join the next semester of Rooted.
Rooted is a 10-week discipleship experience. Through daily readings, thought-provoking discussions, powerful group interactions, and unique experiences, Rooted helps us to connect with God, the church, and our purpose.
To register fill out the form above. If you have questions, contact us!
All of our Rooted groups meet on the church campus.
Yes, better than childcare, our excellent Kids Ministry programing meets during Rooted sessions (Sundays 6-7.30pm).
We understand that Rooted is a large time commitment, but we believe it is worth it to invest in the entire process. If you know you are going to miss more than 2 meetings, we ask that you wait until the next semester of Rooted. The 10 weeks are a cumulative experience, and so we ask that every participant commit to honor each other with being at every meeting.
Our Rooted team will prayerfully place participants into groups of about 10-15 people. We group by age, marital status, and life stage. We form groups of married couples, singles (not co-ed), women, and men. These groups ultimately depend upon the demographic of those who registered. A substantial amount of prayer and thoughtfulness goes into creating groups which we think will provide the best experience for all people who attend. While we do our best to honor requests when possible, we cannot guarantee that we will be able to accommodate all friend or leader requests.
Yes, Rooted is for those 18 years and older.
Please sign up for the next semester of Rooted. Check out our other groups and classes in the meanwhile.
Rooted is the on-ramp to Small Groups. Your Rooted group at the end of the 10 weeks becomes your Small Group. In order to participate in Small Groups, sign up for the next available Rooted semester.
While Rooted registration is FREE, each participant is responsible for purchasing the $20 workbook. You will get your book at the Rooted Kick-off. Payment can be made in cash or checks payable to the church.
We believe that Rooted is a life-changing experience and we want everyone to participate! We understand that the Rooted workbook may be a burden for some and we are happy to provide scholarships. Inquire here.
Rooted Groups are encouraged to continue on as a Life Group. More information about Life Groups can be found here.