Baby Dedication Celebration
Our next Baby Dedication date:
Baby Dedication is so much more than an event. It is meant to serve as a way for you, as parents, to think about what your child needs most - and we believe that is LOVE. Your love, but more importantly, the love of their Heavenly Father.
Frequently Asked Questions
How much does Baby Dedication cost?
There is no cost to participate in our Baby Dedication Celebration!
How many people can I invite?
We will reserve one table with eight chairs for you and your family. All other guests are welcome to sit in our overflow area.
What do I need to do between now and the day of the celebration?
Invite your friends and family! You will also need to watch two short videos. The links are below:
Please email a few pictures of your child: one sweet, and a few candid shots, to Tanisha Riddle.
What do I need to bring with me?
Your family, friends, and child (don’t forget them at home!)
What time should I arrive?
Doors will open 15 minutes before the celebration start time.
What should we wear?
Whatever you and your little one feel most comfortable in! Some people dress in jeans, while others wear more formal attire.
Is this an infant baptism?
No. We believe children must be old enough to understand what it means to put their faith in Jesus Christ before they can be baptized. This event is an opportunity for you as parents to publically declare that you want to raise your child to develop their own relationship with Jesus Christ.
I can barely get my child to sit still long enough to get them dressed. How will they survive the entire celebration event?
Your child will make noise during the event. But that’s okay! So will everyone else’s.
Will there be a photographer?
We will have a photo background set up for family photos. Please bring your own camera or phone, and we will have a volunteer there to take your picture.
What can I expect on the day of the celebration?
The event should last no more than 45 minutes and will include a welcome, worship, a short message, a prayer of dedication, and dessert.